George Cristian Maior

George cristian maior november 16 1967 cluj napoca is the director of the romanian intelligence service serviciul român de informaţii.
George cristian maior. George cristian maior became ambassador of romania to the united states on sept. George cristian maior november 16 1967 cluj napoca is a romanian politician and diplomat he was a member of the romanian parliament elected as a senator from the social democrat party. Parteneriatul cu sua reprezintă alături de apartenența la nato și ue unul dintre cei trei piloni strategici ai politicii externe și de securitate a româniei. In november 2004 ambassador maior was elected senator in the romanian parliament where he held various positions including.
16 noiembrie 1967 cluj rs românia este un diplomat și om politic român fost senator din partea partidului social democrat. între octombrie 2006 ianuarie 2015 a îndeplinit funcția de director al serviciului român de informații din 2015 este ambasadorul româniei în statele unite ale americii. 17 2015 having most recently served as director of the romanian intelligence service sri. It is a story that needed telling and no one is in a position to tell it better.
He was a member of the romanian parliament elected as a senator from the social democrat party. The embassy of romania to the us organized an official reception on monday june 10 2019 on the occasion of the economic mission to promote romanian it c products in the us attended by 20 companies from romania. He graduated in 1991 from the law faculty of babeş bolyai university in cluj napoca and in 1992 from the faculty of international and comparative law of george washington university in washington d c. P b george cristian maior b is a romanian politician and diplomat.
Putem spune fără reținere că acest parteneriat lansat în 2007 se află astăzi la cel mai înalt nivel în evoluția sa din ultimele două decenii. Ambasadorul george cristian maior a subliniat relevanța parteneriatului strategic dintre românia și sua pentru securitate și apărare dezvoltare economică și relații interumane punctând nivelul excelent de dezvoltare al acestuia precizează ambasada româniei în statele unite ale americii pe pagina oficială de facebook. He was the head of the romanian intelligence service between october 2006 january 2015. He was the head of the romanian intelligence service between october 2006 january 2015.
Chairman of the committee for defense public order and national security. Developing economic and trade ties between romania and the united states is a priority for our country. He was the head of the romanian intelligence service between october 2006 january 2015 and ambassador to the united states since september 17 2015. Member of the joint.
He is a doctor of law a title obtained at. George cristian maior 16 november 1967 cluj napoca is a romanian politician and diplomat he was a member of the romanian parliament elected as a senator from the social democrat party. His father is liviu maior minister of education 1992 1996 and ambassador in canada.